Pension knowledge

Workplace pensions

SIPPs and workplace pensions – What’s the difference?

When it comes to saving for your retirement, pensions are a tax efficient way to build towards your future goals. Aside from the State Pension, most people will come across two types of pensions in their life, SIPPs and workplace pensions. Knowing the difference between the two can help you plan for your financial future...
Pension Scams

How to spot pension scams

There has been a recent rise in pension scams, with thieves targeting pension pots of all sizes. Know how to spot the signs and protect your financial future. Victims of pension scams lose an average of 91,000 apiece after being targeted by criminals. Scams are becoming increasingly harder to spot, especially since they're frequently disguised...

Pensions – the basics

Here at iSIPP, our mission is to put the power to take control of your financial future in your hands. Saving into a pension is one of the most efficient ways you can begin to build your savings and support yourself later in life. In the UK there are several types of pensions. The good...

What is pension consolidation?

If you’re looking to make the most of your money, you may have heard about pension consolidation. Did you know that you may have thousands of pounds of unclaimed pension savings out there? As you move through life, you could have changed jobs several times, enrolling onto new employer pension schemes each time.  You may...
What Happens to My Pension When I Leave a Job?

What happens to my pension when I leave a job?

When you’re leaving your current role to pursue an exciting new opportunity, there is plenty to look forward to. You get to meet new people, challenge yourself in your career, and widen your network. But you may also be wondering what happens to your pension when you leave a job. Making a fresh start not...
What are ESG funds

Responsible investing – What are ESG funds?

Through responsible investing, humanity can continue to work towards a brighter tomorrow. ESG funds (environmental, social, and governance) are a set of measurements put in place to assess the ethical values and practices of an organisation to ensure your investments are sustainable. In a world facing the catastrophic threat of climate change, enterprises need to...
pension at age 55

Should I take my pension at age 55?

Planning for your ideal retirement can be an exciting time of your life, and you will find that there are plenty of decisions to be made and thoughts to have on how your future will look. Your pension is one of those important considerations and the best way to contribute towards a happy and financially...
pension lump sum

Taking a lump sum from your pension

When you turn 55, you’ll be able to reap the rewards of your hard work and finally start taking your pension benefits should you wish. There are several options available to you when it comes to taking control of your savings, one of them being a lump sum withdrawal. Here we will be taking a...
personal pension protected

How are personal pensions protected?

No one likes fretting over money issues, and it makes perfect sense to want to ensure your personal pension savings are in good hands; you spent long enough earning them, after all. To help you make your savings go as far as possible, it’s worth understanding how your pension is protected in the first place....