Self employed pension

Flexibility for the self-employed

With 44%* of self-employed people not regularly contributing to a pension, it’s never been more important to take control of your retirement savings. iSIPP makes it easy for contractors to combine their old pensions into one online account. Choose from ready-made funds offered by world-leading fund managers such as BlackRock and Schroders or select from over 100 individual funds to build your own portfolio.

Whether you’re just starting to think about retirement or already have a plan in place, iSIPP is here to help you reach your goals.

*Independent study conducted for iSIPP among a nationally representative sample of 2,000 UK adults.

Self Employed Man

Your options with iSIPP

Consolidate your existing pensions

If you have moved jobs or changed address several times, you could have multiple pension pots that have been forgotten about. Let’s find them! 

We help our members transfer their existing pensions into one easy-to-manage SIPP account. By bringing your pensions together you can benefit from an easy-to-use online account for managing your pension in one place, control and choice over your retirement saving and investment, as well as competitive pricing.

Contribute to your pension

With access to regular and ad-hoc contributions, our online account provides you with flexibility when paying into your pension.

Your contribution levels will depend on your personal circumstances. In summary, you can pay into your pension up to 100% of your earnings, with tax relief applied to contributions of up to £40,000 for the tax year. Any contributions made by you and your employer count towards it, as does any basic rate tax relief added by the government.

self employed woman

Claiming tax relief

Did you know that pensions can provide valuable tax relief for self-employed people? By contributing to self-employed pensions, you get a 25% tax relief from the government right back into your pension pot. Put simply, meaning you’ll pay less in taxes and save more of your hard-earned money. Alternatively, it’s also possible to pay into your pension as a limited company, lowering your corporation tax bill.

Our online platform allows you to have an overview of your pension savings from one place, helping you make better financial decisions and investment choices. As you receive pension tax-relief from HMRC you’ll begin to see your money get to work via your online account.

Tailored to the self-employed

Simple sign-up

It’s easy to get started. Register with iSIPP in a few minutes and explore our online portal to combine your existing pensions and manage your contributions.

Track and transfer

We help you track and transfer your existing pensions into one place. Most transfers can be made online too, simply log in to your account to get started.

Control and choice

We provide access to a wide range of investment options, managed by leading fund houses. You can even build your own portfolio, the choice is yours.

Easy access 24/7

Our online portal enables you to view, consolidate and manage your pensions in one place. Access your account whenever you like, wherever you like.

An FSCS protected provider

As a UK-based, Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulated company with over two decades of experience in personal pensions, you can have faith your self employed pensions are in safe hands

Our fund choices are managed by some of the most recognised and experienced fund managers, delivering peace of mind. Your pension is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) too.

We also take your personal information very seriously and boast a SSL and ICO certification.


Our yearly fees

£200 p.a.

Trust Fee

Every client is well looked after with unrivalled service and this fee covers the award-winning administration of your pension.

0.25% p.a.

Platform Services Fee

Within your account you have 24/7 access to our investment platform for managing and overseeing your fund choices.

The Trust Fee and the Platform Services Fee cover the standard iSIPP service as described in our Terms and Conditions. This document also explains how the fees are calculated and deducted. In addition, you will pay the Ongoing Charges Figure, (OCF), this is a fee charged directly by the fund manager and covers their day-to-day cost of running the fund. OCF depends on the funds you choose. To find out more see our fund choice here.

Self Employed Pensions Insights and News


Frequently Asked Questions

What pension should I choose as a self-employed person?

As a self-employed person, consider a Personal Pension Plan or a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP). Personal Pensions offer tax benefits, while SIPPs provide more investment control. Here at iSIPP we offer a variety of solutions for your needs.

Still need help? Check out this helpful guide here.

What are the benefits of a pension as a self-employed person?

The benefits of a pension for self-employed individuals include tax advantages, a secure retirement fund, and potential employer contributions (if applicable). It can offer financial stability, tax relief, and a means to build wealth for retirement, helping you secure your financial future.

How to start a pension as a self-employed person?

As a self-employed person, you can start saving for retirement by setting up your own pension. You can put money into it regularly or whenever you can, and your pension provider will make sure you get tax benefits added to your retirement fund.

Are pension contributions tax deductible

Pension contributions are typically tax-deductible, meaning they reduce your taxable income. However, it’s important to note that the tax treatment of pension contributions can vary by country and specific circumstances. Learn more by visiting the government website here.

What are iSIPP's fees?

Complete openness is one of our core values here at iSIPP. So, we provide a full breakdown of our fees here. Rather than combining all fees into one, you’ll see that our annual cost is made up of Trust fees, Platform service fees and Fund management charges (depending on your choice of funds).

What is a SIPP pension?

A SIPP, which stands for a self-invested personal pension, serves as a financial tool that enables individuals to save, invest, and accumulate funds intended for their retirement. It functions akin to a conventional personal pension plan.

how does a SIPP work?

A SIPP operates by granting you the autonomy to select and oversee your own investments, or you can opt to engage an authorized financial advisor for assistance. With full control, you have the flexibility to modify and expand your investment portfolio at your discretion. Additionally, SIPPs provide more extensive investment choices compared to other pension options.

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