Pension consolidation

We’re firm believers in pension consolidation and we help our members transfer their existing pensions into one, easy-to-manage SIPP account.

By bringing your pensions together with iSIPP you can benefit from:

  • An easy-to-use account for managing your pensions in one place
  • Control and choice over your retirement saving and investment
  • Simplified pension management with your iSIPP account
  • Competitive fund pricing and a fixed annual administration fee


There are thousands of pounds of unclaimed pensions out there. If you have moved jobs or changed address several times, you could have hundreds or even thousands of pounds worth of savings that have been forgotten about. Let’s find them!

Why consolidate your pensions?

Pension Consolidation

Simplify your retirement

Consolidating your pensions with iSIPP gives you better control and full oversight when it comes to managing your pensions. All in one account, with greater visibility of your pension fund performance. Additionally, if you’re looking to take benefits from your retirement savings, you’ll only need to contact our team.

Pension Consolidation

Pick your investments

With iSIPP you’ll have choice and control over your money by accessing funds from world-leading fund managers. Pick the funds that work for your retirement goals. You can even create your own portfolio. And regardless of what funds you choose, you’ll benefit from our transparent and competitive pricing.

Pension Consolidation

Track your retirement plan

It is recommended that you regularly review your investment performance to ensure it aligns with your retirement plans. Our online account provides you with 24/7 access to fund performance enabling you to make informed decisions about your savings.

Pension Consolidation

Know what you'll pay

When it comes to fees, we believe it is important and helpful to provide you with a transparent and clear breakdown of the costs. What’s more, we don’t charge for the set up of your iSIPP, nor for transfers in and there will be no dealing charges.

Pre-retirement calculator

As with all investing, your capital is at risk. The value of your portfolio with us can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invest.

This calculator is not a reliable indicator of future performance and is intended for general information purposes only, as an aid to decision-making, not a guarantee.  This calculator uses certain assumptions and uses the FCA prescribed mid-growth rate of 5%. A pension may not be right for everyone, and tax rules may change in the future. If you are unsure if a pension is right for you, please seek independent financial advice.

Your current age

Your transfer amount


Your estimated
retirement fund


Expected growth rate



The purpose of this calculator is to give you a general indication of your fund value at an illustrated retirement age (please read the assumptions used) based on your current age and the transfer amount.

This calculator does not constitute personal advice. You are advised to seek independent financial advice.

The figures are a guide only; they are not guaranteed. Your final pension fund, and the income available from it, will depend upon a range of factors. These include, but are not limited to, contributions you make in future, the growth of your fund, charges, inflation, annuity rates and options, and your retirement age.

The value of investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invest.

The calculator does not take account of any tax charges which may apply to contributions into or income from a pension or any tax applicable if your fund exceeds the lifetime allowance at the time of retirement.

This calculator is not appropriate for calculating potential income from a defined benefits scheme.

This calculator does not take into account any benefits from a state pension.


For the purposes of this illustration, the FCA require us to provide you with an indication of your projected pension fund value you may get at your illustrated retirement age at 65. The illustrative value is based on prescribed Mid investment growth rate of 5%, after allowing for all fees and charges.

The projection assumes that you do not draw any income or one-off lump sums from the SIPP. It also assumes the value of your pension fund is within the standard Lifetime Allowance and no LTA tax charge applies.

In addition, we are required to reduce the projected figures to account for inflation. Inflation is the rise in costs of goods and services over time.

This illustration incorporates our fees as per our fee schedule. Fixed monetary fees are assumed to increase each year in line with inflation.

Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF): This illustration incorporates an assumed Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF) 1.00% for the purposes of generating this illustration.

The figures are for illustration purposes only and are not guaranteed. The value of the SIPP depends on how your investments perform after charges and fees.

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What is pension consolidation?

Combining your pensions is known as pension consolidation, and it’s done by transferring multiple pensions between schemes into one arrangement.
A prime example of this would be transferring several workplace pensions into a personal pension so they combine in a single location, making them easier for you to manage.
Pension consolidation certainly has distinctive advantages, perhaps the most significant one being…

Should I combine my pensions?

SIPPs are a flexible and tax-efficient way to provide you with an income in retirement. Pension rule changes over the last few years mean that you can now access your personal pension from age 55 in several ways. Having your pension funds in one place could make it easier to plan your retirement income and simplify the process of taking your benefits when the time comes. After all, you will be only dealing with one provider. However, you should check what pension benefits you have with your current provider before transferring into a SIPP. In summary, the benefits of consolidating your pension are…

should I Pension Consolidation 1
Savers struggle with Pension Consolidation

Retirement savers struggle to consolidate pensions

Our latest research shows that pension savers with multiple funds are struggling to consolidate their pension pots into one fund. Doing this could potentially reduce annual fees and save time on administration.


More than one in ten pension savers with multiple schemes have tried to consolidate funds and failed, whiles nearly two fifths admit they…

Need more help?

What is pension consolidation?

Combining your pensions is known as pension consolidation, and it’s done by transferring multiple pensions between schemes into one arrangement. A prime example of this would be transferring several workplace pensions into a personal pension, so they combine in a single location, making them easier for you to manage. You might be pleased to know that the transfer itself is straightforward; all you need to do is fill in an application and supply details of your old policies. 

Is it worth consolidating pensions?

When thinking about consolidating your pensions, it is important to consider the benefits, which include the ability to track all your savings in one place, more choice over where and how you invest your money, and greater flexibility when accessing your pensions.

Should I combine my pensions?

Pension consolidation allows individuals to combine all their pre-existing pension pots into one more significant sum whilst simplifying tracking and managing their retirement savings. Additionally, pension consolidation may give you more choice and flexibility when choosing which funds to invest in.

How to consolidate pensions?

Pension consolidation allows you to combine many individual pension funds into one more significant sum.  After tracking down their old pension pots, many people then choose to consolidate all their past pensions into one easy-to-manage SIPP. With iSIPP you can consolidate your pensions by creating an iSIPP account. Where you can view, manage and invest in your retirement.

How to consolidate pensions from different employers?

Through iSIPP you can consolidate your pensions from different employers into one easily managed SIPP, giving you more control and flexibility regarding your finances. If you want to know more about iSIPP and how we can help you look after your financial future, you can take a look at what we do here.

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