Pension knowledge


What are crystallised pensions?

You may have come across the phrases uncrystallised and crystallised pensions when plannng for your retirement. Whilst these phrases are common in the financial world, they may be a little confusing to the average saver. So what are crystallised pensions. Here we will explore what a crystallised pension is and what your options are. In...
Shariah Funds

What are Shariah funds?

Investing isn’t all about stats and figures on a spreadsheet, as it also raises some important moral and ethical questions that influence the way many people handle their finances. The world of pensions is no different. Some investors put their ethical principles first when it comes to finding the right assets to finance, and sometimes,...
How much can I pay into a pension each year

How much can I pay into a pension each year?

Pensions are a heavily regulated area of finance, which is partly why it’s quite difficult to understand. To make sure you’re getting the most out of your pension contributions, it’s worth taking a moment to understand what the rules are regarding how much you can put in. If you need some useful guidance when it...
compound interest

What is pension compound interest and why is it so powerful?

Contributing to your pension pot early means you can make the most out of the various financial advantages that may come from saving over many years. Compound interest is one such benefit. Compound interest is a powerful and important concept that many people utilise to ensure their wealth grows exponentially as their investments build interest...
Personal Pension

Why should I bother with a personal pension?

As the years pass by, it’s surprisingly easy to find yourself out of the loop when it comes to the world of pensions, especially if your employer takes care of it for you through a workplace scheme. There are many options when it comes to saving for your retirement and the sooner you learn about...
pensions when working abroad

What happens to my pension if I work abroad?

For some, the chance to work abroad marks the start of an invigorating new adventure, one that opens up a wealth of various personal opportunities. Others may find the concept of working abroad terribly confusing and difficult to navigate, especially when the prospect of pensions and taxes are brought into question. If you’re about to...
has brexit affected pensions for ex-pats?

How has Brexit affected pensions for expats?

The UK formally left the European Union in January of 2020. For many expats, the move has resulted in some confusion regarding the future of their pension pots. So how has Brexit affected pensions for expats? In order to make sure you get the most out of your savings and prepare yourself for a bright...

How big a pension do you need to retire?

Saving for your retirement doesn’t need to be a worrisome affair; after all, it’s to ensure that you get the very best out of your later years. Ultimately, your pension needs to be able to support the lifestyle you want to lead in the future. Whatever that lifestyle looks like, your pension is the place...

When can I take my pension benefits?

Understanding when and how you can start taking benefits from your pension pot is essential for planning your finances in later life. Because of the 2015 Pension Freedoms Act, you now have multiple options when accessing your pension. This means you can choose how best to take your benefits for your circumstances and plans for...